Miros has installed X-Band radarsystems at two locations in central Norway and has successfully logged wave and current data at both sites. Currently the project is focused on performing comparative studies against more traditional current-meters typically used in the fish farming industry. The last stage of the ongoing project will commence in August and will focus on finalising the end user applications and graphical user interface. The initial service will typically include live current and wave data for the area surrounding a fish farm, as well as other relevant meterological data such as wind, pressure and temperature.
MIROS ventures into aquaculture

Miros has for the passed six months collaborated with several Norwegian fish farming companies to assess potential applications for the company’s wave and current radars.
The project was profiled in the industry website Kyst.no earlier this spring: http://kyst.no/nyheter/live-radardata-gir-komplett-bilde-av-et-helt-fjordbasseng/
Miros will showcase the project at this year’s Aqua Nor (Trondheim 15 – 18 August).